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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Turkey is embroiled in an intertwined crisis

Turkey is not experiencing good economic conditions and has faced challenges despite the depreciation of the lira.

Pak Sahafat- The coup that took place in Turkey a few years ago, although it failed, brought more problems and challenges to the country.

Erdogan needs to reconsider the policies and actions that have been taken over the past few years.

Turkey’s interventions in Libya, Syria, Iraq, the Republic of Azerbaijan, Greece, show the depth of Ankara’s mistakes in implementing its policies, the negative effects of which are now visible inside the country.

Apart from the possibility of another coup in Turkey, the protests in this country should not be ignored.

If the Turkish government wants Turkey to remain calm and the country’s economic and political situation not to deteriorate, it must take action.

These measures must first begin with policies pursued in other countries.

One of the ways Erdogan has recently tried to use it to increase his political wealth is to improve Ankara’s relations with its neighbors.

Read more: Turkey is under pressure from Western countries / Consequences of rising dollar: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=15895

Turkey should seek to improve relations with its neighbors, which have been cold in recent months due to regional policies in the Caucasus.

Meanwhile, Turkey needs to further improve and expand relations with its neighbors.

Ankara cannot please the Europeans because the differences between Turkey and Greece have caused the European Union to take a stand against Ankara.

Erdogan must give up his extravagances and lower the ceiling.

Any government established in the country due to a possible coup or protests will degrade the country.

Erdogan must be more vigilant, sensitive and precise to avoid further contempt.

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