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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Thousands of US intelligence officers fired

Thousands of intelligence officers may soon be fired for failing to comply with US government vaccination orders.

Overall, the percentage of vaccinated intelligence personnel is higher than the general American population, for example at the CIA 97%. But in some information societies, which number about 100,000, there is a lower percentage, according to US Representative Chris Stewart.

Citing information that he said had been passed to the House Intelligence Committee but had not been made public; Stuart said several intelligence agencies had not vaccinated at least 20 percent of their workforce by the end of October. Stuart said: In some agencies, 40% are not vaccinated. He declined to name the agencies.

Many Americans are likely to be vaccinated for fear of losing their jobs before the November 22 deadline, and resistance to the order could leave key national security agencies without staff. It is very difficult to replace intelligence officers because of the highly specialized work they do and the difficulty of completing security clearance checks.

CIA Director William Burns publicly revealed last week that 97 percent of the agency’s officers had been vaccinated. The National Intelligence Agency, which operates US spy satellites, has vaccinated more than 90 percent of its workforce.

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The Office of National Information Management has rejected several requests to provide figures to the intelligence community. The office also does not say what emergency plans are in place if officers are fired for non-compliance.

Vaccination orders have met with considerable resistance, with some early responders, such as trade unions, resisting vaccine orders, arguing that the orders harm personal freedom.

Federal employees who have not been vaccinated or exempted until Nov. 22 may face a 14-day or less suspension and subsequent dismissal.

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