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Saturday, June 8, 2024

The meeting of the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime with the ministers of the Persian Gulf countries

Naftali Bennett, the prime minister of the fake and criminal Zionist regime, left occupied Palestine for New York on Sunday morning to address the 76th UN General Assembly.

According to the Times of Israel website, Bennett, who is scheduled to speak for the first time as the regime’s prime minister at the United Nations, will also meet with ministers of the Gulf Arab states and leaders of the American Jewish and Zionist communities.

This is his second visit to the United States since taking office as Tel Aviv Prime Minister. Bennett had previously traveled to Washington on August 27 to meet with US President Joe Biden at the White House.

According to the report, the Israeli prime minister, who was flying to New York, in a short conversation with reporters at the airport, referred to the efforts of the US House Democrats to remove the $ 1 billion aid to Israel’s Iron Dome systems and said that they are a small but talkative group.

According to the Israel Times, Bennett claimed: “There is a small anti-Israel group [in the United States] that is making a lot of noise, but they have failed. Right now we have seen the American people vote in favor of re-equipping the Iron Dome with 420 votes in favor and 9 against.”

He then repeated the baseless allegations about Iran and the resistance groups: “We do not define ourselves in terms of what others say, not in terms of Iran or the Palestinians. I urge their leaders to side with their own people and improve their situation, rather than become obsessed with Israel.”

Prior to the visit, Israeli War Minister Benny Gantz had spoken by telephone with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin about regional developments, including the progress of Iran’s nuclear program and the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.

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