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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The looting of Yemen’s oil and gas by the aggressor Saudi coalition according to numbers and figures

The National Salvation Government of Yemen has estimated the amount of damage caused by the aggression of the Saudi coalition to the oil sector of this country, in addition to its looting, to be about 45 billion dollars.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, quoted by Al-Mayadin, Despite the suffering and problems of the Yemeni people as a result of the bloody aggression that has been going on for seven years, Saudi Arabia has looted Yemen’s oil and gas and doubles this suffering and problems, because oil and gas revenues are the main support of the Yemeni economy and 80% of it covers the general budget of the government.

According to this report, the National Salvation Government of Yemen in Sana’a accuses the aggressor Saudi coalition countries of stealing and looting Yemen’s oil wealth and has repeatedly threatened to target companies and ships that are involved in the looting and theft of Yemen’s oil and gas.

According to the government of Sana’a and citing the report of the International Maritime Traffic Control Center, the Saudi coalition sells millions of barrels of Yemeni oil with giant ships that come to Yemeni ports almost monthly.

According to the information that a special source in the Ministry of Oil of the Sana’a government provided to Al-Mayadeen, the following figures show the amount of oil and gas looted by the Saudi aggressor coalition from the beginning of this year 2022 to last June:

– January 19: 2.5 million barrels from “Al-Zaba” port in Hadhramout. The approximate value of these barrels of oil that were transferred to China is estimated at 217 million dollars.

– February 5: Two million barrels from Al-Daba port in Hadhramout, whose approximate value is estimated at 200 million dollars. In the same month, one million barrels of oil worth $106 million were stolen.

Read more:

Yemeni oil theft by the UAE

– April 10: More than 2.3 million barrels of oil worth 267 million dollars were transferred to China from al-Dabbah port in Hadhramout. In the same month, one million barrels of oil were stolen from Al-Nashimah port in Shabova by the “SEAVELVET” ship, which was bound for India, and its value is estimated at 106 million dollars.

– May: More than 2.2 million barrels were stolen from “Al-Shahr” port in Hadhramout, the estimated value of which is more than 270 million dollars.

– June: 400,000 barrels worth 44 million dollars were stolen from Razum Port in Al-Shabwah. In the same month, one million barrels of oil worth 114 million dollars were stolen from Al-Nashimeh port in Shabwa by the Emirates ship “lSABAELL”.

According to Yemeni media reports, the value of looted crude oil and gas revenues in May was nearly 180 billion Rials, which is enough to pay the salaries of government employees for about three months, while Yemeni employees have not received their salaries for years.

But about the looting of city gas revenues, which, according to the Saudi puppet government in Yemen, sells 75 trailers per day, the total sales of which reached 2,325 trailers including 4.8 million cylinders last May alone, which is the value of each cylinder is 3,568 Rials, which means that the domestic gas revenues of the coalition forces amounted to 17.2 billion Rials last May.

The Saudi puppet government in Yemen has admitted that revenues from the sale of crude oil increased by 100% in 2021 and increased to more than 1.4 billion dollars compared to 710.5 million dollars in 2020. The total crude oil sold in 2020 and 2021 will reach more than 2.2 billion dollars equivalent to 1.3 trillion rials, which covers the payment of 18 months of salaries of government employees.

Meanwhile, after the central bank’s activities were transferred from Sana’a to Aden in September 2016 and the Saudi coalition took control of all these revenues, the salaries of government employees have been cut for nearly six years.

The Sana’a government accuses the Saudi coalition of causing more than 45 billion dollars in damage to Yemen’s oil sector as a result of its seven-year military operation.

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