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Sunday, June 2, 2024

The general strategy of the Zionist regime does not change with the change of the Prime Minister

A professor of political science and international relations at the University of Isfahan said: Netanyahu’s departure and Bennett’s rise to power do not make a significant difference to the Zionist regime’s overall strategy on regional and Iranian issues.

In an interview with ISNA, Mohammad Ali Basiri said about the removal of Benjamin Netanyahu and the coming to power of “Naftali Bennett” and the impact of this change in the equations of the region: Israel’s overall strategy on regional and Iranian issues does not change with the change of parties and the departure of the prime ministers, and only tactics change. Netanyahu had many weaknesses in corruption and regional policies, and his alliance with Trump failed to put maximum pressure on Iran.

He added: The regime’s relocation of the capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and the Zionists’ vulnerability to resistance missile strikes caused internal discontent with Netanyahu, and his political coalition disintegrated, losing the election.

The international relations expert said: The new government led by Naftali Bennett will try to make up for Netanyahu’s weaknesses in domestic, foreign and economic policy, and in the region it is unlikely that the new prime minister will pursue Netanyahu’s policies towards Borjam and Iran in the same way as before and if there is a change in these policies, it will be minor.

Basiri in response to the question of whether Bennett is more radical than Netanyahu? Reiterated: Being Zionist and believing in this belief is more radical than Netanyahu, but it is unlikely that in the iron fist strategy in dealing with the Palestinians and Iran, he will repeat the same policies of Netanyahu and will adopt a different political approach. So Naftali Bennett is politically more extremist than Netanyahu, but he will not be militarily more extremist than Netanyahu.

Stating that the prime ministers of the Zionist regime are moving in a general framework,” he said: Their general strategy is to maintain a united Israel and to adopt an iron fist policy and not to give strategic concessions to the Palestinians and the Arabs. There are similarities between Bennett and Netanyahu in this regard, but it is unlikely that he wants to bomb Gaza more and expand the Iron Dome system in the region.

The professor of political science and international relations at the University of Isfahan noted: In Israel, incumbent prime ministers usually do not last two or three more terms, and Netanyahu has been the Zionist prime minister for a long time, and now that he has resigned, he is unlikely to return to power, because in addition to his dissatisfaction with him, it is time to take power.

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