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Sunday, June 16, 2024

The controversial Zionist minister became responsible for dealing with Palestinian fighters

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the formation of a new team led by “Itamar Ben Goyer”, the Israeli Minister of Internal Security, in order to deal with what he called the provocative actions of the Palestinians.

According to the report of the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, at the beginning of today’s session of the Israeli cabinet, Netanyahu announced that a special team will be formed under the leadership of Ben Guer, which will be responsible for dealing with what he called the provocative actions of the Palestinians against the residents of the occupied land.

Read more:

Chaos in the Israeli Cabinet/ Attendees fight with each other

This decision of Netanyahu’s cabinet comes at a time when Ben Guerr himself has been accused of doing provocative actions against the Arabs living in the occupied land.

The said team will consist of interrogators, police officers and investigators, and representatives from the Ministry of Justice, the Intelligence and Internal Security Agency (Shin Bet), the Israeli army, and the National Cyber ​​Security Department.

This team will be responsible for controlling and monitoring provocative content against the Zionist cabinet and calling for anti-Zionist actions and operations in the virtual space of the occupied territory.

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