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Monday, June 10, 2024

Suspicious movements in Yemen’s Al-Mohra province; the arrival of Zionist officers

Informed sources in the resigned Yemeni government announced the arrival of a number of Zionist officers in the strategic province of Al-Mohra in eastern Yemen.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International group, informed sources in charge of the resigned government of “Abd al-Mansour Hadi” in Yemen announced the arrival of a new number of Zionist regime officers in the province of Al-Mohra in eastern Yemen.

According to the Al-Bawaba Al-Akhbariya Al-Alamiya website, the sources said that a number of Mossad officers and experts arrived at Al-Ghaiza airport in recent hours on a military plane belonging to the Saudi-Emirati coalition.

A few days ago, a number of Egyptian forces arrived at Al-Qaeda Airport to take part in the Saudi coalition operation in the province, which is witnessing the presence of various foreign forces, including American and British.

These developments coincide with the revelation of the new plan of the Saudi-Emirati coalition forces to target Al-Mohra after the sending of ISIL elements by the UAE to this strategic province.

It was last December that Yemeni sources reported the sinking of a US warship carrying a number of experts and troops on the east coast of Yemen and the transfer of a number of military equipment to Al-Qaeda.

Read more: The enemies are seeking the defeat of the Yemeni nation through economic assassination and division: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=20093

In late October, Hamid Zabnout, the head of the sit-in committee in the city of Shahan, announced the arrival of British troops at al-Ghaiza airport and the construction of military barracks on the airport grounds.

At the same time, Al-Bawaba Al-Akhbariya Al-Alamiyah news website confirmed the news and wrote that a group of American and British forces were stationed at Al-Ghaiza Airport; A city that, in addition to having a strategic position, overlooks trade and energy transit corridors.

Ali Salem al-Harizi, the former deputy governor of al-Mehrah, addressed the issue at a press conference a few months ago, announcing that British forces were “spying on some people in al-Mehrah.”

Sources close to the Yemeni Ansarullah movement also told the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar that the Ansarullah movement had obtained accurate information which showed: “British forces are managing a spy room at Al-Gheiza airport, and from there they are spying on Yemeni telecommunications using several ships from submarine cables near the city of Al-Gheiza.”

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