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Monday, June 17, 2024

Significant increase in homicides in Brazil in 2020

New statistics show that homicides and homicides by Brazilian police have increased in 2020 despite the outbreak of the Corona virus.

According to Reuters, official statistics from the Brazilian Yearbook of Public Security show that both homicides and homicides by Brazilian police will increase in 2020, while the crisis of the Corona virus outbreak is also a major challenge for country has become.

According to the report, official statistics show that the number of murders and homicides in Brazil in 2020 increased by 4% and reached more than 5,533 people. Brazil has the highest homicide rate among Latin American countries at 23.6 per 100,000 people.

However, Brazilian police have killed more than 6,416 people during this period, an increase of 0.3% over the previous year.

Violence in Brazil, which has the highest homicide rate in the world, fell in the first year of Bolsonaro’s presidency. He came to power in 2018 with the promise of confronting criminal groups and ending the financial and economic corruption of political elites. But new statistics show that homicide rates in Brazil are rising again.

These statistics show that more than 76% of the people killed in Brazil are black, and most of them are young men. More than 78.9 percent of those killed by Brazilian police were black.

Less than 200 police officers have been killed on duty during this period.

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