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Monday, June 17, 2024

Shabak confesses to unprecedented security scandal at Bani Gantz’s house

The Zionists claimed that a person who had worked for years at Bani Gantz’s house was spying for Iran without anyone realizing the truth of his work.

Shabak said it had arrested a man who had worked at Bani Gantz’s house for years on charges of spying for Iran.

However, Shabak has tried to downplay the incident, saying that the information provided by the hackers was not confidential, given the special information protection system at Gantz’s house.

However, security and legal sources in the Zionist regime have stated that this incident will pose a serious threat to the national security of this regime.

According to the Zionist media “Haaretz”: This person, a Zionist citizen named “Oren Gorn”, on his own initiative, referred to a person related to this group through a social network, and offered him help in various ways, given his access to the minister’s house. Shinbet also claimed that Goren had installed malware that allowed access to the Gantz computer.

The Israeli spy agency claimed that during Goren’s interrogation, it was revealed that he had taken photos of Gantz’s home appliances, including his computer, and sent them to a representative of the Black Shadow group to prove that he was serious.

It also claimed that he did not have access to any classified information because of the data security protocol at Gantz’s residence, so he could not transmit any classified information.

The Zionist newspaper “Jerusalem Post” also reported that the Central District Attorney’s Office today (Thursday) filed an indictment against a cleaning worker at Bani Gantz’s house on charges of contacting the Black Shadow hacker group and Gantz spying for the group in the “Alld” district court.

The report alleges that Gorn, 37, from Laden, occupied Palestine for several years, worked for Gantz at home and has a criminal record of 14 arrests, five convictions and four separate prison terms.

This is not the first time that the Zionist media has claimed that Gantz was targeted and pointed the finger at Iran.

It was in March 2019 that the 12th Zionist TV channel reported that Nadaf Argaman, the head of Shinbat, had secret meetings with Gantz, during which he told him that his cell phone had been hacked by people linked to Iran.

Read more: A worker at the home of the Israeli Minister of War was arrested on charges of espionage: http://https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=15478

At the time, Gantz claimed that there was no security information on his cell phone and that hackers could not use it to extort money from him. Yossi Cohen, the then head of the Zionist regime (Mossad), accused him of collaborating with Netanyahu and trying to tarnish his image.

Recently, a group called “Justice for Palestine” also published new confidential information from high-ranking Israeli intelligence and military officials in cyberspace.

Earlier, another hacker group called Asa Musa had leaked files containing details of hundreds of members of the occupying regime’s army and personal pictures of the regime’s war minister, Bani Gantz, in the Dark Net.

A few weeks earlier, the sites of the regime’s largest hospitals had been hacked, and a few months earlier, the regime’s nationwide electricity and water network had been hacked.

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