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Monday, June 17, 2024

Possibility of collective quarantine of British Cabinet ministers

The Independent, citing the British Health Minister Covid-19, said other members of Boris Johnson’s cabinet could be infected and quarantined as the date for lifting the corona restrictions approaches.

According to the website of this British newspaper, after “Sajid Javid” the Minister of Health of the British government announced that the Covid-19 test was positive, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the Covid-19 test was negative and did not require quarantine.

But the prime minister is set to carry out a “daily test” pilot plan, which has been put on the agenda following a call from British Treasury chief Rishi Sonak to Sajid Javid after he contracted the Corona virus.

Following the announcement of the illness of the British Minister of Health Covid-19 and the possibility of other members of Johnson’s cabinet contracting the disease, a number of ministers and senior Cabinet officials as they approached on Monday (July 19 and July 28) and afraid of quarantining themselves.

 Sajid Javid, who took over the helm of the British Ministry of Health three weeks ago, announced on Saturday that he had contracted the disease despite receiving both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine. The incidence of coronary heart disease in the UK is rising rapidly, with the number of people with the disease exceeding 50,000 on Friday for the first time since the beginning of the year.

At the same time, the Johnson administration plans to lift the Corona restrictions from Monday (July 28), despite warnings from health experts. Jeremy Hunt, a former British health minister who currently chairs Parliament’s parliamentary health committee, has warned that if hospital visits rise, the restrictions will be lifted again in the autumn.

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