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Monday, June 17, 2024

Popular call of the President of Venezuela against American looting and theft

Pak Sahafat – In response to the US decision to sell Citgo, President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro asked the people of his country to tell the US that looting and theft is enough.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report, citing the website of the Venezuelan presidency, Nicolás Maduro announced during the broadcast of his radio television program that the Bolivarian Republic is in a major battle to recover stolen property from this South American country in the world, such as gold frozen in British banks and other assets.

Maduro asked the Venezuelan people to unite with each other in their strength and heart and tell America that looting and theft is enough, Citgo belongs to the Venezuelan people.

The President of Venezuela stated: We have witnessed abnormal actions against the national, economic and oil sovereignty, and the acquisition of the Venezuelan company Citgo through the authorization of the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is completely illogical.

Read more:

Venezuela’s sharp reaction to US oil theft

He reminded that Citgo is located in the territory of the United States and its value is more than 13 billion dollars, and in addition, more than 10,000 gas stations on the east and west coasts of this North American country belong to this company.

Maduro said: Now they are going to loot it, steal it and give it to the far-right opposition, which is trying to hide itself, but is responsible for all the sanctions and unilateral coercive measures against Venezuela since 2014.

Maduro once again called on the Venezuelan people to remain in constant struggle and condemn the expropriation of that company by the United States.

On May 1st, the US Department of Treasury’s Foreign Assets Control Office announced that it will not take any action to prevent the auction or trading of Citgo’s shares. Citgo is owned by the Caracas government but controlled by the opposition.

This decree determines the process of bidding, sale and mandatory consultation of the US Treasury Department for any decision regarding the change of ownership of this company’s assets; an action that the president of Venezuela described as an open robbery.

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