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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Pope Francis: Peace between Russia and Ukraine is possible only through dialogue

Pak Sahafat – Pope Francis, the leader of the world Catholics, said in an interview with Telemundo, an American Spanish-language television channel: The war between Russia and Ukraine is a “political problem” and peace is possible only through bilateral negotiations.

In response to the question of whether Russia should withdraw from the entire territory of Ukraine in order to achieve peace, the Pope said: Peace will be achieved one day when Russia and Ukraine can talk to each other either directly or through the mediation of others.

“All of Europe, America” ​​is behind Ukraine, Pope Francis said of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s refusal to accept his mediation efforts.

He explained: Ukrainians do not pay much attention to peace talks because the Ukrainian bloc is actually very strong and all of Europe and America support them. In other words, they have a lot of power.

The Kremlin announced on Friday that the Russian president stressed that the country is ready for dialogue with Kiev.

Read more:

Pope Francis: The interests of different “empires” fueled the war in Ukraine

Vladimir Putin announced these words in a phone call today with his Brazilian counterpart Lula da Silva.

According to this report, Da Silva also announced earlier in a tweet that he reiterated Brazil’s willingness to talk with both sides about the war in Ukraine.

In this connection, the German chancellor also announced his readiness to negotiate with Putin again when the time comes.

Olaf Schultz said on Friday that he was ready to resume contact on Ukraine with the Russian president, whom he had not spoken to since December, “when the time is right.”

He added: My last phone interview was some time ago. But when the time comes, I plan to talk to Putin again.

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