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Monday, June 17, 2024

Placing the Palestinian flag on the captain’s armbands of the Arab teams in the World Cup in Qatar

Pak Sahafat – A group of Arab activists on social networks asked the captains of Arab football teams to participate in the Qatar World Cup with armbands decorated with the Palestinian flag.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, the Palestinian “Sama” news agency wrote on Monday: After the captains of the European football teams announced that they will wear armbands that show support for certain political or ideological campaigns in the World Cup in Qatar, Arab activists on the Twitter social network asked their teams to wear captain’s armbands with the Palestinian flag emblazoned on them.

The English football team announced last Wednesday that they will participate in the anti-discrimination campaign in which nine European teams are participating so far and in the World Cup in Qatar with armbands that refer to certain meanings.

“Harry Kane”, the captain of the English football team, wore this badge on his arm on Saturday evening against Italy in the UEFA Nations League.

In this link, Twitter users launched the hashtag “# شراه_قيادة_فالستين” (armband _ captain _ Palestine) three days ago and asked the captains of the Arab teams to express solidarity with the Palestinian issue and link it to the whole world in such an international forum, get armbands with the Palestinian flag on them and condemn the double standards of the West in sports.

A user tweeted: We want our request to reach all Arab teams in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Maghreb and Tunisia. We expect the Palestinian flag to be on your captain’s armband. They want their poisonous messages to reach the World Cup and we want to remind them of their crimes in Palestine.

Read more:

The word “Israel” has been removed from the Qatar World Cup ticket sales section on FIFA’s website

One of the Kuwaiti users also wrote on Twitter: I wish our Arab teams would wear armbands supporting Palestine. Glory be to God, the paradox is that they themselves demand the non-interference of politics in sports, but they are the first to violate it.

But a Palestinian user named “Malik Juma” said: We should also play a role by delivering this request to all Arab teams to put the Palestinian flag on their captain’s armband.

Also, a Jordanian activist said on Twitter: Just as Europeans support Ukraine in all forms, we must send this message to all Arab teams and Arab players to wear the captain’s armband to support Palestine.

Mustafa Shouki, an Egyptian engineer, also tweeted: Since Lewandowski, the captain of the Polish national team, wears the Ukrainian flag on his arm, why don’t we launch a media campaign for Arab teams to wear the captain’s armband with the Palestinian flag?

Addressing the users of social networks, he added: You start sharing this sign and, God willing, our voice will be heard because it highlights the issue of the double standards of the West.

According to this report, no official decision has yet been issued by the International Football Federation (FIFA) on whether European team captains are allowed to wear their declared captain’s armband or not.

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