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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Pakistani expert: Taliban build strong ties with neighbors

“Arshad Yusufzai,” a Pakistani journalist and Afghan affairs expert, said: The Taliban have made progress in recent years, and they will try to have good relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan, Afghanistan’s two important neighbors.

“Arshad Yousefzai” said in an exclusive interview with an IRNA reporter in Islamabad on Tuesday: The situation in Afghanistan is still changing and we have to wait and see how the next government of this country will interact with the international community.

The Pakistani analyst said: In the current scenario, the Taliban trust only Iran, China, Russia and Pakistan.

At the same time, he believes: The Taliban will maintain stronger ties with Iran and Pakistan because the two countries are the main route for Afghanistan to interact with the region and the world.

Arshad Yusufzai added: The Taliban want the international community to treat them equally, they do not want to be subordinate to anyone.

He noted that under the Doha agreement, the Taliban had made special promises, especially on women’s rights and unimpeded access to education.

He mentioned: “They kept their promises to some extent because we see that they took control of Kabul without bloodshed.

The Pakistani journalist stated: The Taliban seek to engage with the international community but do not want to be subordinated to anyone.

Arshad Yusufzai said: The way forward for the Taliban shows that they have progressed over time and there are many educated people in the Taliban who can better communicate with the international community.

The Afghan affairs expert warned that the current situation would increase the movement of a new wave of asylum seekers to their neighbors and would undoubtedly have security consequences.

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