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Sunday, June 16, 2024

One after another, the moral scandals of the Zionist military are revealed

As Israeli media reported the discovery of another camera at the Zionist military Women’s Shelter, a soldier and a rabbi were arrested and fired for indecent activities.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International Group, the Hebrew-language media once again exposed another immoral scandal in the structure of the Zionist military in order to add to the long list of scandals of this army over the past few months.

According to these media, Israeli female soldiers operating at a base in the West Bank say they have discovered a camera in the bathroom of a sanatorium, and one soldier has been arrested so far.

This is the second moral scandal exposed in the last few days in the Israeli army. The Yedioth Ahranoth newspaper reported that at least one soldier serving in the Iron Dome unit had been tried by one of his colleagues for committing indecent acts.

Read more: Crisis in the Israeli army / from rape to riots in the precautionary units: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=17933

According to the Hebrew-language media, the trial will take place just weeks after another military man was tried for raping his colleague.

The heinous acts of the Zionist military are not only related to the soldiers and non-commissioned officers of the army, but also to the rabbis of the Israeli army. The Israeli newspaper Hume reported that police arrested a rabbi last week on charges of indecency with relatives, including a number of children and adolescents.

It is worth mentioning that according to the published reports, 1542 attacks have been reported to the relevant official institutions of the army during 2020, while according to the Zionists, at least twice as many of these cases have not been reported for various reasons.

Ram Ben Barak, a member of the Israeli Knesset, recently described the increase in aggression in the Israeli army as very dangerous for the army.

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