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Monday, June 17, 2024

Massive French protest against the government’s new corona plans

Thousands rallied across France on Saturday in protest of President Emmanuel Macron’s plans to make co-vaccination mandatory for healthcare workers and to require a health certificate to enter public places.

According to Reuters, Macron announced a few days ago extensive and comprehensive programs to fight the rapid and re-emergence of the coronavirus, which protesters say violates the freedom of choice of citizens who do not wish to receive the vaccine.

These decisions and programs have also led to demonstrations and rallies in the past few days, with police firing tear gas to disperse protesters. The yellow vests, which sought to revive anti-government protests that were prevented from being implemented due to the implementation of anti-Corona quarantine regulations, were attended by rallies in major French cities such as Marseille, Lyon and Lille, as well as small towns.

During a visit to the vaccine injection center in the south-west of the country, French Prime Minister Jean-Castique called vaccination, which has not been mandatory for all, the only way to combat the spread of the virus.

Despite widespread protests, more than 60 percent of French citizens agree with the mandatory vaccination of healthcare workers and the imposition of health passports in some public places, according to an Ipsus-Supra poll released on Friday.

According to IRNA, some Western and European governments are considering coping strategies to address the risk of harming the rapidly spreading new strains of the virus to improve economic conditions if possible without unrestrained growth, despite the start of summer vacations in their countries.

The average number of new French cases per day has returned to nearly 11,000 after falling from nearly 42,000 in mid-April to less than 2,000 in late June.

According to estimates by Friday; About 55 percent of French people have received a single vaccine and 44 percent have received a complete vaccine, which is not enough to stop the spread of the virus.

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