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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Macron: Ukraine and Russia should return to the negotiating table

Pak Sahafat – French President Emmanuel Macron said: Ukraine and Russia should return to the negotiating table to end the conflicts.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, in an exclusive interview with CNN, French President Macron called Russia’s recent decision to mobilize military reserves to participate in the war in Ukraine a mistake and a loss of an opportunity to move towards peace.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, by signing the order to call up part of the army’s reserve forces, clarified that the actions to mobilize part of these forces will start on September 21 and will only include citizens who have military experience.

Read more:

The Ukraine crisis and the wandering of Westerners to beg for oil and gas

The decision of the Russian president has been accompanied by reactions. Jens Stoltenberg, Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on Wednesday described the mobilization of part of the Russian army as a dangerous and reckless action.

The leader of France also warned about the global crisis of Western liberal democracy in response to the host’s question about the spread of nationalism, populism and racism in Europe and America.

He said: I think that we are facing a great crisis of democracy.

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