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Monday, June 17, 2024

Jewish rabbi: The crimes of the Zionists are against Judaism and humanity

Pak Sahafat – The anti-Zionist Jewish rabbi said: “All the crimes that the Zionists are committing now in Jerusalem are against Judaism and humanity.”

The Jewish rabbi Yasuel David Weiss, a member of the International Jewish Organization Natura Carta, a group of anti-Zionist Jews in New York who attended Friday’s local time, told Media: We have taken to the streets of New York to announce the difference between Judaism and Zionism.

He clarified the message of his presence in the Al-Quds Day march and the reason for the increase in Zionist crimes against the oppressed people of Palestine: Zionism is nationalism and Judaism is a religion. The Zionist state does not represent all the Jews of the world and it cannot speak on behalf of the Jews because, as God said, after the destruction of the Holy Temple, we cannot take over the land of other peoples, especially the Palestinians.

The Jewish rabbi stated: We have lived in peace with the Palestinians for hundreds of years and we can live in peace now. These problems are only because of Zionism and politics and have nothing to do with Judaism.

The Jewish rabbi added: We are not allowed to take over the land, in the past we lived peacefully in Jerusalem. All the crimes that the Zionists are committing now in Jerusalem are against Judaism and humanity.

He stated: The reason for all this bloodshed is the Zionist state, and we pray for the peaceful dissolution of the Zionist state without the bloodshed, and we hope to live in a world where everyone lives together peacefully.

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Pakistani civil activist: We support the resistance of the Palestinian people

Pakistani civil activist Sayed Hassan Nasir Shirazi also told IRNA: We participate in the Al-Quds Day march to express our condolences to the Palestinian people and all the oppressed people.

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The activist added: “We actively support the resistance of the Palestinian people against the Israeli oppressors and all those who oppress the Palestinians.”

He added: “I am a Shiite and I remember the story of Imam Hussein (AS) and the oppression of the Ahl al-Bayt and their companions, and I witness a similar oppression in Palestine.”

The young Pakistani stated: The reason for my participation in this march is to play my part and support the oppressed people of Palestine.

On the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan in unison with Islamic Iran, the cry for the liberation of Holy Quds resounded in the heart of New York and the Palestinian flag was raised.

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Anti-Zionist Naturi Karta Jews hoisted the Palestinian flag in the heart of Manhattan, New York.

Holding placards and flags, various groups emphasized the liberation of Palestine and Holy Quds as the first qibla of Muslims and the holy land of the divine religions.

The placards read: “Liberate Palestine”, “When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty”,

“Prevent the killing of more innocents by the United States and Israel,” “Please wake up.”

Zionist militants and Zionist settlers have intensified their attacks on the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestinian worshipers since the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan, injuring and killing dozens of Palestinians.

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