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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Japan is worried about East Asia becoming the next Ukraine

The Prime Minister of Japan, who visited America, expressed concern about the possibility of the East Asian region becoming the “next Ukraine”.

According to the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, in a speech at the end of his trip to the United States, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida expressed his concern to the Western powers allied with his country about the possibility of East Asia becoming the next Ukraine and demanded that they show a united front against China and Korea.

According to “Agence France-Presse”, Kishida, whose country will begin its presidency of the “Group of Seven” at the beginning of 2023, in the past few days went to visit the members of this group and meet with their leaders except Germany.

The Japanese Prime Minister, whose country recently unveiled a military and security strategy along with an unprecedented military budget under the pretext of increasing threats from China and North Korea, said at the end of his trip to Washington, “the strong feeling that the crisis in the security environment of East Asia has shared with the leaders of Group of Seven.

The Japanese Prime Minister claimed in a press conference a day after he met with US President Joe Biden: Tomorrow, East Asia may be like Ukraine.” Kishida called the security concerns in the two regions “inseparable”.

Kishida said: “The situation around Japan is getting more and more difficult while trying to unilaterally change the status quo in the East China Sea and the South China Sea and North Korea’s nuclear and missile activities.”

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Kishida’s talk about the current situation in the South China and East China Seas refers to China’s more and more bold actions in the waters of these seas, where there are disputed islands between China, Japan, the Philippines and Vietnam.

China also fired missiles into Japan’s EEZ in August during important military exercises around Taiwan, which Beijing considers part of its territory.

At the end of December, the Japanese cabinet approved laws that made extensive and important changes in the country’s military strategy, including doubling its military budget in the next five years.

The Prime Minister of Japan continued his speech and said that he has negotiated with “Rishi Sunak” and “Georgia Maloney”, the Prime Ministers of England and Italy, about advancing the tripartite joint production project of a next-generation fighter that uses artificial intelligence.

Kishida also indicated that he has not yet decided whether to join a hostile U.S. embargo against China to limit the economic powerhouse’s access to imports of semiconductors essential for advanced technologies.

The Japanese Prime Minister said: Semiconductors are a part of economic security, including for the United States as well as like-minded countries. We want closer communication to think about how to deal with this issue.

On Friday, the Japanese Prime Minister said in a speech at a Johns Hopkins University faculty, that Japan needs to be able to rely on “allies and like-minded countries” in the face of China’s risks.

Kishida claimed that Japan still sees itself as a “peace-loving” country and will use the G7’s opportunity to insist on the destruction of nuclear weapons.

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