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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Israel’s weapons manufacturing in the Morocco; Another step by Tel Aviv to destabilize North Africa

Pak Sahafat – A Zionist media announced the decision of the occupied Jerusalem regime to set up two branches of its weapons factories in the Arab country of Morocco; An action that seems to have been taken by the Zionists with the aim of disrupting stability in North Africa.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report on Saturday, quoted by the Palestinian news agency Sama, The head of the Zionist communications office in Morocco announced that Elbit Systems, which operates in the field of defense systems, plans to establish two branches in Morocco.

According to Shai Cohen, these two branches will be established with the aim of producing defense systems, one of which will be in the city of Dar al-Bayda.

He did not provide further explanation regarding the start time of these two arms factory branches in Morocco and the specific activities they are going to do.

The announcement of this news comes at a time when Morocco’s relations with the Zionist regime have witnessed an increasing trend in various fields, including security and defense.

Last Wednesday, “Tasahi Hengbi”, the internal security adviser of the Zionist regime, went to Rabat, the capital of Morocco, and met and talked with “Nasser Bourita”.

Last Thursday, Raed Al-Talibi Elami, Speaker of the Maghreb Parliament, Amir Ohana, welcomed Knesset Speaker.

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Hundreds of people in the Morocco demonstrated against the compromise with the Zionist regime

Morocco and the Zionist regime signed an agreement last year, according to which two special factories for the production of internal drones, known as “kamikaze” or suicide bombers, will be built in Morocco.

With the aim of developing its army, Morocco seeks to strengthen military cooperation with the Zionist regime, and on the other hand, the occupation regime of Jerusalem is also seeking to achieve more deals to finance its budget.

Maghreb allocates a huge budget (amounting to 10 billion dollars) to its military sector. Also, Morocco’s military expenses between 2005 and 2015 have been estimated at 48 billion dollars. With 15% of the total purchase of weapons in Africa, this country is the second largest customer of weapons in the Black Continent between 2012 and 2016.

This level of cooperation between Rabat and Tel Aviv raises the question that the presence of Zionists in the North African region will have effects and consequences for this region and its countries.

The Zionist regime seeks to find a foothold in Morocco by making arms deals so that it can easily advance its desired goals in Africa, and Morocco has provided the best platform for this regime.

The Zionist regime knows very well that these deals and agreements will increase the conflict between the Maghreb and Algeria, for this reason, it is strongly seeking to conclude agreements and conduct more deals with the Maghreb in order to reduce the conflict between the two Arab countries as much as possible.

This close cooperation of the Zionist regime with Morocco will force Algeria not to sit quietly and in turn seek to stabilize its regional position and increase its weapons power.

Algeria, which is an important party in the equations of this region, had previously accused the Maghreb of targeting the stability of Algeria by opening its doors to the “Israelis” and turning its territory into a base for the Zionist regime and a place for planning and It has become a planned attack and invasion of Algeria.

Political experts believe that the Zionist regime, through its influence in the Maghreb, is seeking to create discord and break up among the Arab countries of North Africa by disrupting the balance of power in this region and forcing them to compete in arms with each other.

According to these experts, the aforementioned conditions will in turn disrupt the process of peace and stability in the North African region, which is basically in a very challenging situation due to the Libyan crisis, and will further disrupt this region into another cycle of tension and will clash.

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