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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Israel’s domestic and foreign policy under the new Prime Minister / Bennett more radical than Netanyahu?

Simultaneously with the formation of the new cabinet of the Zionist regime headed by Naftali Bennett, questions arise about his approach to issues such as how to deal with Gaza, the Israeli settlement project and the Iranian nuclear issue.

According to Shahab news agency, the new cabinet of the Zionist regime was formed yesterday, headed by Naftali Bennett, the leader of the “Yemina” party, and Benjamin Netanyahu left the scene of Israeli power after 12 years.

Thus, Naftali Bennett has been appointed as the new Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, and after about two years, he will rotate this position to his ally, Yair Lapid, who is now the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel.

Who is Naftali Bennett? / Proud to kill Arabs

Naftali Bennett, 49, was appointed to the post during the 36th term of the Zionist regime, and will remain in this position until September 2023. The name of this extreme right-wing leader of the Zionist regime is often associated with support for Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories and hatred of the Arabs.

He is a former member of the Zionist regime special forces who was born on March 25, 1972 in a Jewish-American family. After marriage, he lives with his wife and four children in the city of Ranaana in the Occupied Territories.

In 2012, when he took over the leadership of an extreme right-wing party called the “Jewish House”, he revolutionized Israeli politics and succeeded in attending the Knesset after making fiery statements about the conflict with the Palestinians.

In 2013, Bennett made allegations against the Palestinians that Palestinian terrorists should be killed and not released. He also said about the West Bank that the area is not occupied; Because no Palestinian state has been here and also the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is unresolved. He is a staunch opponent of the establishment of a Palestinian state.

Naftali Bennett led Netanyahu’s campaign for the presidency of the Likud party, which led to Netanyahu’s victory, which led to his ouster in 2009. In the same year, Bennett was appointed director general of the Israeli Settlement Council in the West Bank.

Naftali Bennett has returned to the threat strategy after the recent Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip and the failure of the Israeli army in this war, which led all domestic and foreign parties to consider the Palestinian resistance victorious in the 12-day Gaza war.

On June 4, Netanyahu claimed that his cabinet would launch a military operation against Gaza and Lebanon if necessary.

Compromise with the Palestinians and the settlements of the Zionist regime in Bennett’s politics

In his speech, Naftali Bennett did not address the process of political compromise to which the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah is still unilaterally committed; however, he examined in detail the continuation of Israeli settlements and the annexation of the West Bank, as well as the rejection of any establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

“We support the continuation of Israeli settlements in all regions, and the new cabinet will begin a new phase in Israel’s relations with the international community,” he said in a speech during the vote on the new cabinet.

He had previously said that the creation of an independent Palestinian state would mean suicide for Israel and was due to security reasons.

Iran nuclear deal

Naftali Bennett’s policy on the Iranian nuclear issue and US efforts to revive a nuclear deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran are no different from that of Benjamin Netanyahu, who has spoken out strongly against the US return to the deal.

Bennett claimed that Israel would not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons and that we would increase Israel’s defense and offensive capabilities; Because security threats against Israel still exist and have not stopped.

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