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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Israeli author warns of collapse and civil war between Zionists

A Zionist writer was quoted as saying in an article, citing the turmoil in Israeli society that “The era in which Benjamin Netanyahu is no longer Prime Minister of Israel seems to be closer than ever.” 

Zionist writer Mikhal Aharoni stressed in a report published in the Israeli newspaper Hume that many Israelis are afraid of the moment when they will no longer hear the phrase (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu). What will happen then and how will Netanyahu supporters behave?

He added that Netanyahu has been able to turn the political conflict in Israel into a not only emotional but also a personal issue in recent years. This has led members of the Knesset and its affiliated ministers to exploit the issue to maintain long-term political power without even attempting to portray a fictitious Israeli alliance.

The Israeli writer stressed that for many years there was nothing to unite the various Israeli groups. What exists today is that the leaders of Israel do not agree with each other, and there are many examples in this regard. So we will prepare for riots, mass demonstrations and a series of pains and violence, and a full reserve battalion may be mobilized to deal with these protests.

Mikhal Ahrauni stated that the issue is beyond what we can imagine; because all scenarios are before our eyes. These internal challenges will exist among the Israelis, even if we do not seek them. But internal differences are more important, the gap between us has deepened. While the Jews make up the majority of Israel and have full political power, they should normally not be angry with the majority and feel safe and secure.

In the end, he said, the Jews’ dependence on Israel is seen as a sticky substance, and we should move as heads of government, not people who are unable to maintain their position. However, the language, culture, army, and mentality that govern Israel will disappear because of the hatred and anger that exists among the Israelis.

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