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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Ireland: The scale and nature of settlements in the Occupied Territories is worrying

In a speech to the Irish parliament, the Irish Foreign Minister strongly condemned the development of Zionist settlements in occupied Palestine.

The Irish government supported a parliamentary plan condemning the Zionist regime’s occupation and occupation of Palestinian lands.

According to the Al-Arabi website, Irish Foreign Minister Simon Conway said in a speech to Parliament: “The scale, speed and strategic nature of Israel’s efforts to expand the settlement and the goals behind it have led us to be honest about what is really happening on this land.”

He added: “We are the first EU country to do that, but this shows the great concern we have about these measures and, of course, their impact.”

The occupying Israeli regime has occupied East Jerusalem since 1967 and has expanded settlements in the region in violation of international law. Most countries do not recognize the regime’s claim to the region as an obstacle to peace. The Palestinians consider East Jerusalem as the capital of the future state of Palestine.

The European Union recently condemned the Zionist regime’s settlement plans in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and the demolition of their homes. EU spokesman Peter Stano said in a statement: “We reject the construction of settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories because they are illegal under international law.”

Referring to the attacks of the occupying Zionist forces on the village of “Sheikh Jarrah” and the expulsion of Palestinians from their homes, Stano stated: “Increasing house demolition in the occupied territories and developments in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood are a cause for concern.”

Stano also added: “The European Union reiterates its position that all settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories are illegal under international law and that no change to the pre-1967 borders, including Jerusalem, except as agreed by both sides, does not recognize. The European Union is urgently renewing its call on Israel to halt settlements and overturn these recent decisions.”

An EU spokesman stressed: “The increase in evictions [of Palestinians from their homes] and the destruction of [Palestinian homes] in the occupied territories, especially in Sheikh Jarrah and Salwan, in East Jerusalem, and the possible destruction of homes in the village of al-Walaja are also worrying.”

Earlier, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on the Zionist regime to stop settling in the Palestinian territories, but Zionist officials continue to violate Palestinian rights.

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