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Monday, June 17, 2024

I am happy to have ignited the anger of the Zionists

Norin said: ‌ I am happy that I have ignited the anger of the Zionists. These days, I receive countless heartwarming calls from the Islamic world.

According to Al-Quds Al-Arabi, Algerian judoka Fathi Nourin, who had previously withdrawn from a confrontation with the Zionist regime’s sports representative during the 2020 Olympic campaign in support of the Palestinian people, defended his decision and that of his coach in an interview with reporters.

He emphasized: “I am happy that it has ignited the anger of the Zionists. These days, I receive countless heartwarming calls from the Islamic world.”

The Algerian athlete concluded: “I was shocked to find out that my next match was drawn against an opponent from the Zionist regime, but I did not hesitate to make this decision.”

Earlier, the Algerian judoka, who was temporarily suspended by the International Judo Federation (IJF) for not facing the Zionist regime’s representative at the Tokyo Olympics, said in an exclusive interview with Press TV: I do not want to get my hands dirty competing with a representative of a regime that kills innocent people.

“I had to face an athlete from the Israeli regime who has occupied the Palestinian territories,” Fathi Nourin told Press TV’s Robert Carter. A regime that kills innocent people and drives them out of their homes. For this reason, I do not want to get my hands dirty competing with someone who represents such a regime. I do not want such a contest to take place under the flag of Algeria, which supports the Palestinian movement.

Israeli media have previously described the move by Islamic and Arab athletes as more dangerous than tanks and military weapons.

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