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Monday, June 17, 2024

How will the Ukraine crisis affect Afghanistan?

The former Afghan ambassador to Norway said that the Ukraine crisis and the involvement of the international community in its developments are causing the world to turn a blind eye to the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan.

According to the Pak Sahafat news agency, reacting to the Ukraine crisis and its effects on Afghanistan, former Afghan Ambassador to Norway Shukria Barakzai stressed that as a result of these developments, the international community will turn a blind eye to Afghanistan and the humanitarian crisis in that country.

Barakzai told RFE / RL: Whether we like it or not, an attack on Ukraine affects regional politics, and it is natural that the issue of Afghanistan and its humanitarian crisis will be forgotten by the international community.

Read more: Russia: There are still opportunity to negotiate with Ukraine: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=20490

The Ukraine crisis has also provoked a reaction from the Taliban. The Taliban Foreign Ministry in a statement called on the parties to refrain from taking positions that could escalate the violence.

“Waliullah Shahin,” the head of the Taliban Foreign Ministry’s Center for Strategic Studies, also tweeted: The President of Ukraine is left alone against Russia; this is the fate of anyone who believes in American promises.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky recently released a video message saying that the country was “left alone” with Russia.

He added: Today I asked the 27 European leaders whether Ukraine will be in NATO or not, I asked directly, everyone is scared and does not answer.

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