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Monday, June 17, 2024

Hillary Clinton’s candidacy in the 2024 US elections

Pak Sahafat – Bill Clinton’s former assistant announced in an interview the possibility of Hillary Clinton running for the third time in the US presidential elections and said: Hillary plans to run as a “moderate” candidate in the 2024 elections.​

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency from the New York Post on Monday, “Dick Morris” said in a radio interview about the possibility of Hillary Clinton’s re-nomination: She is preparing to enter the 2024 elections as a moderate option for the Democrats.

Referring to Hillary’s recent statement that Americans do not believe in open borders, he said: Every day there are more signs of Hillary’s decision to participate in the upcoming presidential election as a moderate candidate.

Morris further predicted that Clinton will probably present herself as the party’s centrist candidate after the mid-term elections of the US Congress, and by putting pressure on the party and saying that if the Democrats nominate a completely left-wing candidate, their defeat is certain, she will make herself the best option to win.

Read more:

Hillary Clinton: Trump is not the right choice for the presidency

This American politician went on to explain that this is the same policy that he designed for Hillary’s husband Bill Clinton in 1992 and ultimately led to his victory in the presidential election.

Stating that there is a possibility that the Democrats will prefer Clinton to the current President of the United States, Joe Biden, due to the fear of defeat, he clarified that the Democrats are more likely to win a moderate candidate.

In 2008, after an 18-month intra-party campaign, Hillary Clinton ended her bid to become the first female president of the United States and endorsed Barack Obama for the presidency of the United States.

Clinton also lost the result to Trump, the Republican candidate, in the 2016 US presidential election as the Democratic candidate.

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