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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Former US official warned of Trump’s slow and steady coup

Pak Sahafat – The former US military prosecutor has warned that the coup d’etat of former US President Donald Trump and his allies is continuing slowly and steadily and if they are not prosecuted, they will succeed again.

Glenn Kishner, an American official and expert, says that the former US president and his supporters in their “coup” to change the results of Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 US presidential election have undoubtedly committed crimes.

Trump and a number of his supporters have spoken publicly about their efforts to change the outcome of the US presidential election, claiming that Joe Biden won the election by widespread fraud.

Kishner, who now works as a legal analyst for networks such as MSNBC and NBC, had previously asked the US Department of Justice to brief Trump on his efforts to cancel the election and incite the January 6 attack. 2021 prosecute the Congress building.

The attack on the congressional building took place shortly after Trump asked his supporters to march on the congressional building and “fight hard.” Trump had previously been accused of electoral fraud for several months.

Kishner added: This is still a slow but steady coup by Trump and many of his Republican allies, supporters and allies.

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He said: “If Trump and his associates are not prosecuted for crimes they have committed, the Department of Justice has allowed them to do so again, but they will succeed again.”

Trump insists he has not committed any wrongdoing in connection with January 6, 2021, or in an attempt to prevent Biden from coming to power.

More than 60 lawsuits by Trump and his supporters have failed in state and federal courts since the 2020 election.

However, Trump supporters attacked Congress in large numbers and were able to enter the building and its various rooms after clashes with security forces. The attack on the US Congress killed several people and injured hundreds.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office arrested more than 725 defendants in almost every state and district of Colombia that day and since in connection with the attack on the Congress building. The FBI is investigating a year after the incident, but no one has been arrested in connection with the pipe bombs discovered near the National Democratic headquarters and the Republican National Headquarters.

The number of Republicans voting in favor of the election, as well as the number of those who considered Trump deserving of impeachment, indicates that American society has become bipolar and its politicians are unwilling to ignore their partisan and group interests.

The 60th US presidential election will be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, equal to November 6, 1403. The winner of the 2024 elections will run for the presidency from January 20, 2025 to January 20, 2029.

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