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Monday, June 17, 2024

Five-year-old Alai, the latest document of child murder by the Zionist regime

Pak Sahafat – In the continuation of the aggression of the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip, the Zionist killing machine “Ala Qadoum” targeted a five-year-old girl living in Gaza who was playing in front of her house in the neighborhood of Shojaiyeh, near the mosque “Abus-Marah” in the east of Gaza City.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, The warplanes of the Zionist regime launched an air attack on this area without prior warning, and shrapnel from one of the rockets fired hit five-year-old Alay’s head and killed her.

Alla thought with enthusiasm and joy every day about the clothes, bags and things he had just bought, which he was going to wear to kindergarten soon, but the Zionist rocket did not give her the chance to be happy.

Alla’s mother was in disbelief looking for her little daughter in the corners of the house, thinking that maybe Alla had gone to their house to listen to her grandmother’s stories, but she was not there either. She called several times from the window of the house, maybe he would stop playing with the neighbor’s girls and come home, the only response to his mother’s efforts were the neighbors’ cries of condolence.

Riaz Qadum, the grandfather of the martyred child, says: My granddaughter was getting ready to go to kindergarten and he asked us to buy her a new bag and clothes.

He continued with sadness: For what sin was our innocent child killed?.. Ala died in al-Shifa Hospital due to the severity of the injury and his body was wrapped in the Palestinian flag and he was taken to the Gaza Mosque in the arms of her grandfather, so that after praying, he would go to her last grave on her father’s shoulder.

Ala is not the first Palestinian child who, amid the deathly silence of the international community, added a new war crime to the list of crimes committed by the Zionist occupation against the Palestinian people with her own blood.

Read more:

A member of the Zionist Knesset shot at Palestinian children

Palestinian artist Mohammad Al-Sabaaneh expressed his anger at this act of Zionists by drawing a picture of this girl and wrote below it: Five-year-old Alai innocent, the Palestinian nation will not forget you. You are the document of the occupying Zionists’ crime”.

With every wave of aggression by the Zionist regime in the Gaza Strip, the child-killing Zionist regime makes children among its first targets, so that 65 of the 232 Palestinian victims of the May 2021 attacks were children.

The number of martyred children in Palestine from 2000 to the end of last year was 2,230, of which 315 were martyred during the aggression of the Zionist regime on the Gaza Strip in 2009. 546 children also lost their lives during the aggression of the Zionist regime in 2014.

During the 11-day invasion of the Gaza Strip by the occupying forces in May 2021, Palestinian children were at the top of Israel’s targets. Fighter planes brutally bombarded Palestinian homes, killing 72 Palestinian children.

Palestinians still remember the crimes of the Zionist settlers, including the crime of burning and killing the martyred child “Mohammed Abu Khdeir” in Jerusalem and the burning of the “Dawabsheh” family inside their house in the village of “Duma” south of Nablus in the West Bank.

This is while at least 16 Palestinians have been martyred and 85 others have been injured in the attacks of the Zionist regime on the Gaza Strip in the last two days.

Benny Gantz, the Minister of War of the Zionist regime, after his security meeting, announced the continuation of this regime’s crimes in Gaza today and ordered that the attacks on Gaza continue.

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