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Monday, June 17, 2024

Erdogan’s party: We will see more steps towards relations with Israel

The spokesman of the Turkish Justice and Development Party emphasized: In the next phase, we will see more significant steps in relations with Israel.

According to the Al-Mayadin news website, Omar Celik, spokesman for the Turkish Justice and Development Party, said after his party’s meeting to evaluate President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s consultation with Israeli President Ishaq Herzog: From now on, we will see more significant steps in relations with Israel.

A spokesman for the Turkish Justice and Development Party said: There are other areas of cooperation, such as tourism and trade, that can be mutually beneficial, which Turkey is willing to strengthen with Israel.

However, Chelik stressed: It is still too early to talk about the appointment of a Turkish ambassador to the Zionist regime.

In a 40-minute interview with Herzog, Erdogan congratulated him on his appointment.

Herzog also tweeted: During the talks, we both stressed that Israeli-Turkish relations are very important for security and stability in the Middle East, and we agreed to continue talks to improve bilateral relations.

Al-Monitor also published a report in December 2020 on some secret talks between Turkey and the Zionist regime aimed at improving relations between the two.

Some informed sources told this site: The head of Turkey’s intelligence service, Hakan Fidan, has held secret talks with some Israeli officials as part of efforts to normalize relations with Israel.

Israeli media also stressed that Ankara has appointed a new ambassador to the occupied territories.

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