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Monday, June 17, 2024

Destroying Palestinian homes is against international law

The European Union (EU) has issued a statement in response to Israeli aggression in destroying Palestinian homes, saying it would damage the prospects for peace.

According to the Pak Sahafat news agency, quoting Anatoly, the European Union (EU) has said the demolition of Palestinian homes undermines the prospects for peace and called for an end to such illegal activities.

The EU Delegation to Palestine wrote in a tweet: We reiterate our call for an end to the destruction and any other illegal action that forces Palestinians to leave their homes.

The following is the message: The sabotage is illegal under international law and significantly undermines the prospect of peace.

The statement also quoted the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs as saying that in the first nine months of 2021, 21 percent more buildings were destroyed or occupied than in the same period in 2020, and 28 percent more people were displaced.

Read more: Palestine Foundation in Pakistan: Britain is an accomplice to terrorism and Israeli crimes: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=15622

According to the agency, 22 Palestinians, including 15 children, lost their homes last week.

The organization added: In one day, Israeli officials demolished and confiscated several houses, tents, livestock sheds and buildings under construction.

The Zionist regime’s acts of aggression, such as the demolition of Palestinian homes and the development of settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, are taking place in clear violation of international resolutions.

The international community has remained silent in the face of such aggressive behavior or, as in the case above, has finally issued a message calling for an end to these acts by the Zionist regime.

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