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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Declaration of a state of emergency in Sri Lanka

Pak Sahafat- Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, who was recently elected as the interim president following the resignation of Gotabaya Rajapaksa, declared a state of emergency in the country on Monday.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency from Reuters news agency, This action has been taken with the aim of restoring order and peace in Sri Lanka, which has been the scene of intense street protests these days.

Read more:

The president of Sri Lanka fled his country on a Saudi plane

The resignation of the former president of Sri Lanka, who fled to Singapore after the occupation of his official residence by anti-government protesters, has been accepted by the country’s parliament.

The street protests that started months ago due to the economic crisis in this country gradually reached a peak with the economic collapse last week in this country, and hundreds of thousands of people gathered in front of the government buildings in Colombo, blaming the family of the former president and the president himself. They gathered and protested because of inflation, lack of basic items and necessities of life and corruption.

On July 23, protesters occupied Rajapaksa’s presidential palace in addition to the prime minister’s office and forced him to flee to the neighboring country of Maldives.

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