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Code reading of the meeting of the leaders of the two parties opposed to Erdogan; has a grand coalition of opposition been formed?

The meeting of the leader of Erdogan’s largest opposition party with the leaders of the People’s Democratic Party has created conditions that make the Erdogan government fearful.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency International Group, a meeting between the leaders of the two parties took place in Ankara on Tuesday, which is undoubtedly an important political event in the field of internal developments in Turkey.

The meeting of the leader of the People’s Republican Party Kemal Klçdar Oghlu with Medhat Sinjar and the leaders of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) Parvin Boldan was an event that attracted the attention of all the media. This means that the meeting of the leader of Erdogan’s largest opposition party with the leaders of the HDP has created conditions that make the Erdogan government fearful.

After meeting with Medhat Sinjar and Parvin Boldan, Klçdar Oghlu told reporters at a joint press conference: “We have suffered a lot from past conflicts. We must seriously prioritize peace over war and conflict. We need to get together, sit down and talk openly. Problems can be solved with reason, logic and foresight. In this meeting today, we discussed Turkey’s political and economic problems. We talked in detail about economics. The problems of businessmen, farmers, retirees and wage earners were raised. We had a valuable discussion. “Of course we have different opinions and views, but each opinion is extremely valuable to us.”

Medhat Sinjar also said: “In today’s meeting, each side presented its views on Turkey’s fundamental problems, and today we had a fruitful dialogue. Turkey’s urgent issues that need to be resolved as soon as possible are clear. We, as opposition parties, are talking about how we can solve these problems responsibly and what Turkey should do in the transition period. We accept the fact that Turkey is in a serious multilateral crisis. We can find ways out of these crises through consultation, consultation and dialogue. At a time when democracy in Turkey is being destroyed in every field, we also have a duty to find ways to revive it in the social arena and among the opposition parties. If we promise to bring democracy to the country, we must first show it in our relations with society. »

Code reading of the words of the leaders

Today’s meeting between the two leaders of a PKK satellite organization and the leader of Turkey’s largest opposition party took place just two days ago at the party’s congress in Diyarbakir, where 16 members of the party were arrested on charges of supporting terrorism.

They were accused of holding large pictures of imprisoned PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan at the congress and playing a video in support of Ocalan and the PKK.

But where is the main ambiguity in this story? The answer is one word: shareholder.

Meral Aksner, the leader of the Good Party and Mr. Klçdar Oghlu’s partner in the Nation Alliance, is extremely sensitive to the issue of joining the PKK’s satellite institutions. Because his party is an extreme right-wing nationalist party, Ms. Aksner, an experienced politician, fears that joining the HDP will cause millions of fanatical nationalists to revolt and leave the party. Perhaps that is why Klçdar Oghlu also subtly stated: “Of course we have different opinions.” But at the same time, Klçdar Oghlu’s reference to the need to end tensions and the importance of dialogue is not something that can be easily ignored.

Taken together, these events show that Erdogan’s opponents have taken the formation of a grand coalition to ensure victory very seriously.

Attack on H.D.P.

Medhat Sinjar and Parvin Boldan, two equal leaders of the People’s Democratic Party or HDP, had not yet left the office of the People’s Republican Party in Ankara when a gunman attacked their party in Istanbul with a knife and a pistol.

Read more: Turkey is embroiled in an intertwined crisis: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=16286

In this attack, a juicer was injured and the attacker was arrested. The attack came a few months ago in Izmir when an assailant attacked the office of the People’s Democratic Party and a young juicer was killed. It was later revealed that the assailant was a supporter of Baghcheli and was present in military uniforms and weapons of the Special Forces in Syria and among the Syrian opposition backed by Ankara.

In the end it should be said, in the last days of 2021, the coalition and the broad front of Erdogan’s opposition have warmed up to launch a large-scale social campaign against the AKP in 2022.

This broad coalition has several important possibilities and tools, the most important of which is undoubtedly the crisis-ridden atmosphere of the Turkish economy, which, according to economic and political analysts, is the result of the wrong decisions and actions of the Erdogan government.

Repeated emphases on the government’s economic inefficiency, as well as references to widespread poverty in Turkey, have given the opposition strong psychological and social tools to overthrow the Erdogan-Baghcheli government.

However, it is not easy to fully ally with the People’s Coalition with the People’s Democratic Party. Because this party is a satellite institution of the PKK and takes its orders directly from the PKK leaders. Therefore, by highlighting this issue, Erdogan and Baghcheli can dissuade the opposition coalition from joining the Kurdish party.

Such a policy could mean the loss of a powerful party whose presence would fully and decisively determine Erdogan’s defeat. But if the party does not join the coalition, the rivalry with Erdogan and Baghcheli will be shoulder-to-shoulder and tough.

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