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Monday, June 17, 2024

Cancellation of Netanyahu’s speech and Israelis’ fear of bad years ahead for the Zionist regime

Pak Sahafat – Hebrew sources announced that Netanyahu canceled his speech today due to fear of protesters.

According to the report of Pak Sahafat International News Agency, the media of the Zionist regime announced the cancellation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at a Jewish conference today due to the fear of protests during this conference.

This is while last night, for the sixteenth consecutive week, tens of thousands of Israelis protested against the plans of Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of this regime, to tighten control over the Supreme Court, which is known as judicial reforms.

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For the fifteenth consecutive week; Massive demonstrations against Netanyahu in occupied Palestine

According to Al Jazeera, more than 30,000 demonstrators protested last night on Kablan Street in the center of Tel Aviv.

These protests were held in Tel Aviv, Haifa, Beersheba, Occupied Jerusalem, Netanya, Ashdod, Herzliya, Rosh Hayin, Beit Shimesh, Kfar Saba, and Bat Yam.

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Following this demonstration, the Israeli police blocked a number of roads in various areas, especially in Tel Aviv.

In the face of this wave of mass protests and demonstrations, Netanyahu announced in late March that he would suspend the judicial reform plan until a dialogue with the protesters, but he said that he would not give up on it.

In these reforms, the cabinet is given the right to control and appoint judges of the Supreme Court, and the parliament is given the right to violate many of the decisions of this court.

The cabinet of the Zionist regime accuses the judges active in the field of political activities of increasing interference in the activities of the parliament and says that judicial reforms are necessary to restore the balance between the judiciary and the elected politicians. Critics say these reforms destroy checks and balances and give absolute power to the cabinet.

Half of Israelis believe that they have difficult years

The results of a recent poll show that nearly half of Israelis believe that the future of the Zionist regime will be much worse in the coming years.

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About 533 men and women participated in this survey, which was organized by Kanter Foundation and the results of which were published by Hebrew Radio today.

This survey shows that 48% of Israelis believe that the future of Israel will be much worse in the coming years, and only 20% said that the situation will improve in the future, while 19% said that there will be no change and 13% said that they do not know anything about it.

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