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Atwan: Zionist lobbies play a major role in insulting the Quran

Pak Sahafat – An Arab-speaking analyst pointed out that the West allows any insult to others under the pretext of freedom of speech, emphasizing that Zionist lobbies play a major role in these anti-Islamic attacks.

According to the International group of Pak Sahafat news agency, while Western countries continue to insult and attack Islamic symbols and holy things under the pretext of freedom of speech, a few days ago the Swedish racist and anti-Islam Rasmus Paludan was allowed by the Stockholm government to protest in front of the Turkish embassy in Sweden, to insult the Holy Quran and burn this holy book; An action that was accompanied by the anger of billions of Muslims and the Islamic world firmly condemned it and demanded a serious move to deal with this arrogance of the West.

In this context, Abdulbari Atwan, a well-known analyst of the Arab world and the editor of Ray-e-Youm newspaper, wrote in his new note that the claim of “freedom of expression” these days in the western world has become a pretext for burning the Holy Quran and insulting the holy place of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and hate against Islam. This freedom was considered the crown jewel of “Western democracy” and this democracy has been eroding with the rise of right-wing, fascist and racist parties in most European countries, and the insulting action that Sweden took is the tip of the iceberg.

He added, Westerners’ “freedom of expression” is only for themselves and not for us, and they adapt this freedom to their racist policies and positions. It is unfortunate that we as Arabs or Muslims, apart from being immigrants or living in Arab and Islamic countries, cannot have freedom of speech. Especially when it comes to our just cause, especially the Palestinians.

Atwan further pointed to the role of “global Zionism” in the attacks of the West against Muslims and the anti-Islamism of Westerners and said that the occupying regime and its lobbies play a large role in this direction; Especially in the absence of any serious Arab or Islamic action to deal with these insults after the expansion of normalization agreements with the Zionist occupation regime. We can criticize America, China, France and England and their policies and history, but we cannot criticize the Israeli crimes against Palestinian children, the destruction of Palestinian homes and the daily massacre of Palestinian youth in the streets of the occupied West Bank.

Read more:

Atwan: The future meeting of compromisers with Zionists in Morocco is an “insolence” meeting

In the continuation of Atvan’s article, it is stated that if we criticize the crimes of the occupying regime, this action is called anti-Semitism according to Western law and the punishment is 15 years in prison. Because criticizing Israel’s crimes is considered hate mongering and support for terrorism! We see that Germany forbids any demonstration in sympathy with the martyrs of Jenin, Nablus and the Gaza Strip and in solidarity with the legitimate right of Palestine to resist the occupation, and the German courts forced Arab journalists to leave their jobs.

This Arabic-speaking analyst continued, in England, anyone who raises the flag of the Palestinian Hamas movement or is committed to its discourse is sentenced to prison; How about being affiliated with this movement. Merely showing solidarity with Hamas in England provides the legal basis for the arrest and perhaps the cancellation of citizenship and deportation from this country for the person in question. In France, it is a crime to deny the “Holocaust” or to have any doubt about it. This process continues in the West and we do not know where it will stop.

Atwan clarified, I appeared in one of the BBC programs in English about last year’s incident and the attempt of a person to assassinate Salman Rushdie, the author of the book Ayat Shaitani, and I said that Muslims consider this book an insult to Islam and an incitement to Islamophobia. I also said that this book is an incitement against Muslims under the pretext of freedom of expression. After saying these words, the Zionist lobby started a sharp attack against me and the program in which I was present.

According to this article, Swedish law makes it a crime to burn a gay flag; Because this act of incitement and hatred against a group of citizens of this country is considered! But this country does not consider the action of a right-wing and racist citizen to burn the Bible of billions of Muslims as a crime, and there are tens of thousands of people like him who live in Sweden. Most of the Islamic countries, including the Arab governments, have issued statements condemning the insult to the Holy Quran.

Abdulbari Atwan continued, but merely issuing these statements has no value; Because it does not stop these offensive actions. Did these statements stop the French magazine “Charlie Hebdo” from its attacks and insults against Islamic holy things? The fact is that these countries do not take any action against the Zionist settlers who burn the Holy Quran and attack Al-Aqsa Mosque. Muslims in different Islamic countries and the world have not burned the books of Jews or Christians. Not because there are laws that prevent this, but because Muslims respect other religions and their followers.

In the continuation of this note, these shameful and provocative violations of the West against Islam can be easily solved. As western parliaments issue laws that criminalize insulting Jews; Why don’t Muslims do this and issue laws to criminalize burning the Holy Quran or insulting the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and consider heavy punishments for the perpetrators of this crime? Is issuing these laws a violation of freedom of expression?

At the end of this article, it is emphasized that the Zionist lobbies in the West, which play a major role in undermining the values ​​of justice, especially freedom of expression and respect for the opinions of others, and promote the phenomenon of “Islamophobia” will also be victims of this approach. It is also necessary to remind that even the “Holocaust” incident that they claim did not happen in the Middle East or Islamic Maghreb countries; Rather, it happened in the heart of Europe, and the passage of time will reveal everything.

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