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Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Arranging anti-Zionist demonstrations on the occasion of “Nakbat” day in London

Pak Sahafat – On the eve of the 75th anniversary of the occupation of Palestine, known as “Nakbat” day, hundreds of people from different sections of the British people protested in the central streets of London and chanted slogans of death to Israel, demanding an end to the crimes of the Zionist regime in the occupied territories.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, in this demonstration, which was organized by the “Assembly of Palestinians in Britain” and supported by “Palestine Solidarity Campaign”, “Friends of Al-Aqsa”, “British Muslim Association” and a number of other pro-Palestinian civil groups, the protesters chanted slogans declaring their support for the holy holy place and condemning the crimes committed by the Zionist regime in Gaza.

After gathering in front of the “BBC” building in the center of London, the protesters shouted “death to Israel, shame on you Israel and long live Palestine” towards the British Prime Minister’s office.

In their slogans, while condemning the crimes committed by the Zionists against the Palestinians, they called for a boycott of the Israeli regime.

Nakbat Day is the anniversary of the occupation of Palestinian lands and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians by Zionist gangs.

This day is a reminder of the calamity that befell Palestine in 1948 and is still affecting more than 12 million Palestinians around the world.

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Arranging anti-Zionist demonstrations in several British cities

In today’s demonstration, a number of leaders of trade unions, students and anti-war activists gave speeches. Condemning the Zionist regime, they emphasized that the Nakbat and tragedies caused by the establishment of Israel continue in Palestine and the entire Middle East region.

The spokesman of a Jewish group in England told IRNA that the only way to establish peace in the world is to overthrow the Israeli regime. Elhanan Bek, a member of the anti-Israeli movement “Naturi Karta” added: God Almighty exiled the Jews so that they would not take over the Holy Land by force, but the Zionists disobeyed God.

He added: Zionism is in conflict with humanity in every respect, they usurped their land by killing Palestinians and commit crimes every day.

In the latest crime that has been added to its black file, the Zionist regime targeted the Gaza Strip with its severe attacks and martyred dozens of Palestinians.

This is while the European Union and the Western countries have refrained from condemning the crimes of the occupying Al-Quds regime, while adopting a passive and half-hearted approach since the intensification of the brutal attacks of the Zionists on the oppressed Palestinian people.

Ignoring the killing of innocent people in Gaza and the historical crimes of the occupying Al-Quds regime, they have condemned the response of the resistance forces and emphasized the need to reduce tensions.

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