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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Antonio Guterres warns of violations of Afghan women’s rights

Pak Sahafat – UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres tweeted in support of the rights of women and girls in Afghanistan, lamenting the violation of women’s rights that is destroying the country.

According to Pak Sahafat News agency on Saturday, The UN Secretary-General wrote on his Twitter account: Protecting the rights of Afghan women and girls is (in fact) a protection that brings children out of hunger and communities out of poverty.

Antonio Guterres further wrote: I deeply regret that the education of girls over the age of six in Afghanistan (still) has been suspended, an unjust violation of equal rights that is destroying the whole country.

Read more: 

Widespread malnutrition in Afghanistan; 3.5 million children need support

The UN Secretary-General warned of poverty and hunger in Afghanistan on 11 April, requesting financial assistance for Afghanistan, stating that 95% of the Afghan people do not have enough food to eat.

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The UN Secretary-General has stated that people are selling their children and organs to provide food for their families. Afghanistan’s economy has completely collapsed and there is very little liquidity. More than 80% of Afghanistan’s population is in debt.

The UN Secretary-General warned: Workers in vital services, including schools and hospitals, have not been paid for months. Businesses cannot operate. Revenues are lost and farmers can no longer buy seeds or fertilizers. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has warned that if we do not take action, 97% of Afghans will live below the poverty line by the middle of this year.

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