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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Ansarullah addressed the Zionists: Palestine is not alone

Pak Sahafat – The political office of Yemen’s Ansarullah Movement, in response to the crime committed by the Zionist regime in Jenin on Tuesday, announced: Palestine is not alone and we are with the Palestinians.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, Ali al-Kahhoum, a member of the political office of the Ansar Allah movement, condemned this crime in a tweet and added in a message to the Palestinian Mujahideen: We are with you and Bashma, the ideal and oppression of us and you, the enemy, the war [us and you against] the enemy is the same, and the Zionist regime must know that Palestine is not alone.

Al-Kahhoum also appreciated and praised the brave and heroic stance of the Palestinian Mujahideen in confronting the Zionists.

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Before Ansarullah, the countries of Qatar, Turkey, Egypt and Jordan also condemned the crime committed by the Zionist regime against the Jenin camp and demanded an end to such unilateral actions, which will escalate tensions in the occupied territories.

On Tuesday, the soldiers of the Zionist regime attacked the city of Jenin in the West Bank, which faced resistance from the Palestinian resistance forces.

In these clashes, 6 Palestinians were killed by Israeli soldiers and 26 others were injured.

With the effectiveness of the extreme right-wing government of the Zionist regime and the presence of extremist ministers such as “Itamar Ben Goyer” the Minister of Internal Security and “Bezalel Smutrich” the Minister of Finance in Netanyahu’s cabinet, the strictures and crimes of the Zionists against the Palestinian people, especially the resistance forces, have intensified.

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