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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Another betrayal of the Saudis; Saudi Arabia’s big step on the path to normalization

Pak Sahafat – The Zionist media continues to report daily on the progress of relations between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime, and in this regard, an Israeli newspaper revealed that Saudi Arabia is on the verge of reopening its airspace to Israeli airlines.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency from Al-Mayadin network, Israeli media described the move as part of a deeper and more comprehensive political process, in the context of the Riyadh-Tel Aviv-Washington agreement, announcing that Saudi Arabia is on the verge of reopening its airspace to Israeli airlines.

In return, Tel Aviv will give the green light for the transfer of the Saudi-ruled Tiran and Sanafir islands, according to the Israel Hume newspaper.

The talks between Tel Aviv, Riyadh and Washington are at a very advanced stage, but no final agreement has been reached, the paper said.

Israeli media believe that the postponement of Joe Biden’s trip to the region from the end of this month to next month is related to the US desire to reach a comprehensive and long-term agreement between Riyadh, Tel Aviv and Washington for a diplomatic achievement and victory for the US President.

“Israel Hume” newspaper wrote: Israel and Saudi Arabia have had informal relations and covert cooperation for years.

Read more:

Normalization of Saudi Arabia and Israel from the Internet Gateway / Zionist Media Satisfaction with Bin Salman’s Remarks

Biden’s visit is expected to be another step in the normalization of Israeli-Saudi relations. Israel Hume noted that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman is most interested in normalization.

The Jerusalem Post reported that the US president is expected to announce new security arrangements during his upcoming visit to the Middle East, allowing Egypt to regain control of the Tiran and Sanafir islands in the Strait of Tiran.

The newspaper reported that Saudi Arabia would allow Israeli airlines to fly in its airspace in return.

At present, only Israeli flights to the UAE and Bahrain can pass through Saudi airspace, as well as Indian Airlines flights over Saudi Arabia in the 1948 occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

The Biden government is working to reconcile and normalize relations between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime, an issue that was first revealed by the Axios website last month.

The Zionist regime’s media recently published many reports about the change in the relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

According to the media, the ground has been prepared for a “diplomatic and political event between the two sides [Riyadh and Tel Aviv] with extraordinary economic and security dimensions.”

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