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Saturday, September 21, 2024

American media acknowledge China’s cyber power with new claims

Pak Sahafat – American newspaper Wall Street Journal, acknowledging China’s cyber power, fearing Beijing’s ability to make new espionage claims, considered it a new level of ingenuity and sophistication of this country.

The Wall Street Journal claimed that Google researchers have found that Chinese government-affiliated hackers have learned techniques that bypass common cybersecurity tools, enabling them to infiltrate government and commercial networks and go years without being detected by victims.

In parts of this report, it is stated: Over the past year, analysts at Google’s Mandiant division have noticed the hacking of computer systems that are not usually the target of cyber espionage.

These attacks typically exploit previously undiscovered flaws and represent a new level of Chinese ingenuity and sophistication, according to Charles Carmakal, Mandiant’s chief technology officer.

Read more:

China: America ranks first in the world in terms of espionage

China has routinely denied hacking other countries’ companies or countries and has accused the US and its allies of doing so.

China’s attacks are targeted, often targeting a handful of high-value government and commercial victims, Karmakall said.

He said the tactics employed are so covert that Mandiant believes the scope of China’s infiltration of targets in the US and the West is likely much wider than has been discovered.

Defense contractors, government agencies, and U.S. technology and telecommunications companies appear to have experienced the most Beijing-related cyberattacks, Carmcall said.

Senior US officials have long viewed Beijing as a cyber-espionage threat, and for years have expressed concern over the success of Chinese hacker groups in stealing advanced technology from military targets and defense contractors.

In its annual Worldwide Threat Assessment report released earlier this month, U.S. intelligence officials said China “currently poses the most widespread, active, and persistent cyber espionage threat against U.S. government and private sector networks.”

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