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Monday, June 17, 2024

American claim: The war in Ukraine increases the necessity of defending human rights

Pak Sahafat – US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken claimed that the war in Ukraine increases the need to defend global human rights.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, in continuation of Washington’s dual approaches in various fields including human rights, claimed: Inherent dignity and rights for all are the foundation of justice and peace around the world.

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80% of the weapons of the armed forces of Ukraine are supplied by Europe and America

On the occasion of World Human Rights Day, he added: Russia’s brutal war against Ukraine increases the need to defend global human rights.

Blinken claimed: America, along with its allies, will continue to support the people of Ukraine as they bravely defend their country and freedom.

The US Secretary of State claimed: Russia is not the only country in the world that violates human rights. As the world grapples with crimes, racism, injustice and suppression of freedom of expression and peaceful assembly, we salute the brave people – including journalists, environmental activists and other members of civil society – who are striving to respond.

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