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American and British diplomats fight over Ukraine’s biological laboratories with Russia

Pak Sahafat – The United Nations Security Council meeting was convened on Thursday evening local time following Russia’s request about Ukraine‘s biological laboratories, and Moscow demanded an investigation in this field, but the United States accused Putin’s government of providing false information and called its claims fake.

Following the announcement of Ukraine’s possible use of a dirty bomb, the Russian delegation at the United Nations called for a meeting of the Security Council on biological laboratories in this country.

The Russian delegation to the United Nations warned on Tuesday local time that the United Nations should pay attention to the biological laboratories in Ukraine and be particularly sensitive to them.

The deputy of the United Nations Disarmament Commission said at the meeting of the United Nations Security Council on Thursday evening local time: There is no evidence that the claims of the existence of biological weapons and biological laboratories in Ukraine are true.

At the same time, this UN official admitted that the Disarmament Commission is not able to carry out a full investigation. The UN official added that the biological weapons agreement needs to be revised to ensure its effectiveness.

Linda Thomas Greenfield, the American ambassador and representative to the United Nations, said: This meeting is a waste of time. Claims that Ukraine’s disease control laboratories are a cover for military activity are baseless.

In this meeting, the representative of the Biden administration accused the administration of Russian President Vladimir Putin of providing false information and called his claims fake.

The American ambassador said: Russia’s Chinese conspiracy and the false information it provides is an attempt to divert minds from the unjustified war in Ukraine. He emphasized that neither Ukraine nor America have biological weapons programs.

British representative in the United Nations, Barbara Woodward, in alignment with the United States, said to the Russian representative: “How much more of this nonsense do we have to endure?”

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But Vassily Nebenzia, ambassador and permanent representative of Russia to the United Nations, said: The volume and variety of pathogenic agents in Ukrainian laboratories show that the uses of this laboratory are beyond mere medical matters. This Russian diplomat added: Efforts are being made to resolve the issue of biological weapons in Ukraine, but comprehensive measures have not been taken to correct the existing situation.

Nebenzia continued: Do you think we are so naive? Do you really think the Pentagon will inform the High Representative of the UN Office for Disarmament about its secret biological weapons program?

The representative of Russia in the United Nations stated that Moscow wants to approve a resolution to form a delegation under the supervision of the United Nations to investigate the non-compliance of the United States and Ukraine with the biological weapons agreement.

Sergei Ryabkov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, said earlier (in May) at the meeting of the Federation Council Commission of this country: Ukraine’s biological laboratories are part of Washington’s extensive program around the world.

Ryabkov said at the meeting of the Russian Federation Council commission investigating US-supported laboratories in Ukraine: Biological experiments in Ukraine by American companies and the Pentagon are not new and have been started for years.

He added: The Ukrainian tests are part of Washington’s multi-year program around the world, which aims to develop biological warfare programs in the world.

This senior Russian diplomat added: Such programs in the Soviet republics have attracted the most attention of Russia.

Earlier, Igor Krylov, the head of the Russian radiation, chemical and biological protection forces, said that the American companies Pfizer and Moderna are actively involved in the Pentagon’s biological experiments.

This Russian official pointed out that the leaders of the Democratic Party are the main ideologues of the American military and biological activities in Ukraine, who directly use government funds for secret biological experiments in Ukraine.

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