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Al-Houthi: America and Zionists are trying to enslave nations

Pak Sahafat – The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah said: America and the Zionists and their followers are trying to enslave the nations and face brutality and weaken the sense of responsibility in people in order to dominate people.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency from Al-Masira network, Seyyed Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi added this Saturday at the celebration of the millionth birthday of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Sana’a: The tyrants and arrogance try to distance people from prophets and messengers and divine teachings and distort religion in the name of religion and spread corruption and vices and forbidden relationships and ugly crimes such as homosexuality.

He added: Not having good deeds and replacing them with black thoughts and corrupt motives turns life into a great suffering.

Al-Houthi said: The main cause of human suffering is deviation from the path of guidance and divine teachings, which man cannot live without and cannot find a better alternative to.

He stated: The more a person ignores divine values, the more he suffers and becomes a victim of the abuse of his enemies.

The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah movement said: All the efforts of the arrogant and their allies, which in our time are America and Israel, are to take people out of the path of light and into darkness.

Al-Houthi added: Insurgent currents and powers are trying to spread wrong thoughts and beliefs and promote polytheism and false concepts that target faith in God.

By stating that the Messenger of God reached the peak of human perfection and he was the greatest messenger and the best human being, he added: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) made a great achievement by crushing the Taghuts and brought the Arabs from ignorance to the light of the Qur’an and the religion of Islam.

Read more:

The beginning of the grand celebration of the birthday of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in Yemen

Al-Houthi said: If Muslims had followed the path of the Prophet (PBUH), they would now be among the leaders of human societies.

He added: I ask the leaders of the West and Western societies to stop insulting God and His Messengers, enmity with prophets, burning God’s book, and enmity with God’s teachings.

The leader of Yemen’s Ansarullah said: I invite the leaders of the West to take up the fight against values ​​and promote corruption and try to corrupt the nations, and I ask them to think about the situation in their countries and the problems they have in various fields.

Al-Houthi added: I warn the leaders of the West about the dire consequences and divine punishments in this world and the hereafter, and I invite them to free themselves from the shackles of Zionism, which has misled them and dominated them.

He added: We emphasize our principled and Quranic stance towards all the issues of the Islamic Ummah, especially the issue of Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Al-Houthi said: Normalizing relations with the Zionist regime is a betrayal of God, the Prophet (PBUH) and Muslims and an open hypocrisy.

He asked the coalition of aggressors to Yemen to end their aggression and cancel the blockade of Yemen, stop occupying and close the file of this war.

Al-Houthi also requested the Yemeni nation to continue to confront the aggression and consider this confrontation as a holy jihad.

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