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Al-Ahram: The meeting between the Arabs and China is an attempt to restore balance in international relations

Pak Sahafat – In a note in Al-Ahram newspaper, an Egyptian writer described the recent meeting of Arab leaders with China as a meeting to restore the balance of power in the Arab world’s relations with the international arena.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency, “Abd al-Mohsen Salameh” wrote in his note in the Sunday issue of this Egyptian newspaper: The meeting of Arab-Chinese leaders was held in line with the agreement of the cooperation forum of the two sides last year, when the parties agreed to hold the first Arab-Chinese summit in order to raise the level of Arab-Chinese relations to the level of strategic relations to provide the basis for securing common interests.

Al-Ahram columnist described the timing of the summit as “very important” explaining that it was held at a critical time when the world is changing from a unipolar world to a multipolar world and is in transition.

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According to Salameh, regardless of political, international and regional issues, the economic relations between China and the Arab world, since the beginning of the China-Arab Cooperation Forum, which was established in 2004 by former Chinese President Hu Jintao during his visit to the headquarters of the Arab League in Founded in 2004, Cairo has seen a lot of development. The first meeting of this forum was held in the capital of Egypt in 2004, and after that meetings were held in several Arab capitals and Beijing.

In another part of this note, it is stated: The volume of trade between Arab countries and China increased to 330 billion dollars last year, and China has become a prominent and fundamental trading partner for many countries in the Arab world, such as Egypt, Sudan, the Kingdom of Oman, Mauritania, and Saudi Arabia.

The continuation of the Al-Ahram article indicates: China launched the “One Belt One Road” initiative in 2013, an initiative based on the idea of ​​reviving the ancient Silk Road that connected China to the world. The purpose of this initiative is to build the largest infrastructure project in human history in such a way that many Arab countries including Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Lebanon and Morocco are included in this project.

Salameh added in his article: The aim of this initiative is to strengthen regional communication and it covers many regions of Asia, Africa, Europe and America. Also, hundreds of billions of dollars have been earmarked for the implementation of this project and it is supposed to be opened in 2049 on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

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