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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Afghanistan in the list of countries at risk of famine

Pak Sahafat – The United Nations warned about the risk of famine in several countries, including Afghanistan.

According to Pak Sahafat News Agency’s report from the Afghan Voice (Ava) news agency, the United Nations announced that a significant number of people in some countries of the world, including Afghanistan, are facing the risk of famine.

The United Nations wrote on Twitter that in addition to Afghanistan, the countries of Somalia, Ethiopia, Yemen, Nigeria, South Sudan, Burkina Faso and Haiti are also facing famine at an unprecedented level.

Earlier, other UN agencies said that about 6 million Afghans are on the brink of famine.

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Aid (OCHA) also announced earlier that Afghanistan will face its biggest humanitarian crisis. This department announced in a report that out of 28 million people in Afghanistan who need help, humanitarian partners have given priority to help 23.7 million people.

Read more:

The economic crisis in Afghanistan, the legacy of the US occupation

According to OCHA, 20 million Afghan citizens are facing extreme hunger and 6 million people are facing famine in 2023.

According to this report, 875,000 children will suffer from severe malnutrition and 2.3 million from semi-severe malnutrition in 2023.

OCHA has warned that if Afghanistan enters the third year of drought, malnutrition in this country will increase by 20% compared to the current situation.

According to OCHA’s assessments, 80% of families have experienced a decrease in income following the Taliban’s dominance in Afghanistan.

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