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Monday, June 17, 2024

Putin: We will support Muslim countries

The Russian President Vladimir Putin said at the opening ceremony of the Russia-Islamic World International Summit, Russia’s partners can have full confidence in helping Russia overcome regional crises and counter terrorism.

Addressing the participants in the 12th Russia-Islamic World International Economic Summit in Kazan on Wednesday, the Russian President said, Russia will support Muslim countries in overcoming regional crises and fighting terrorism and extremism.

According to the Tass news agency, Russian President Vladimir Putin said: “Relations between Russia and Muslim countries have traditionally been friendly and constructive. We work actively to promote dialogue between religions and between civilizations, to ensure international stability and security, and to establish a fairer and more democratic world order. “Multidimensional relationships work well in business, economics, investment, science and technology, and many other fields.”

Putin said: “I want to emphasize that our partners can have full confidence in Russia’s support and assistance in the face of all manifestations of terrorism and extremism in their efforts to overcome regional crises and acute social issues.”

The International Economic Summit of Russia and the Islamic World has been held for twelve years, but was canceled last year due to the Corona epidemic. The forum was first held in 2009 with 250 participants. In 2019, more than 3,500 people attended the event. The organizers of the summit stressed that the main purpose of the summit is to facilitate cooperation and maintain economic, political and cultural dialogue between Russia and members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

Russia has provided significant assistance to some countries, including Syria, in the fight against ISIS and terrorist groups in the Middle East. Russia is still working to rebuild Syria and return Syrian refugees and financial aid to Syria.

Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal al-Muqaddad noted the Syrian government’s intensive efforts with very limited resources to facilitate the return of refugees and create suitable living conditions for them, citing the cooperation of friendly countries such as Russia, Iran and China.

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