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Sunday, June 2, 2024

World’s first international holographic teleportation

Holographic teleportation is when a hologram is transmitted to a different location instantaneously.

While it is something that was only seen in SciFi movies like Star Wars, on July 27 at the Western Institute for Space Exploration (Western Space), the world’s first-ever international holoport was demonstrated.

Project leader Leap Biosystem’s co-founder, Dr Adam Sirek said that they executed two-way holographic teleportation.

 While NASA successfully holoported a doctor onto the International Space Station (ISS) who then became the first “holonaut”, holographic teleportation across international borders happened for the first time.

Sirek reported that the team transported a person from Alabama to London and Ontario.

He mentioned jokingly how none of the people had to pay airfare to travel to different countries.

The technology is being explored largely by medical students who can use it to provide assistance in medical care not only in remote areas but also to astronauts in space. The possibilities are endless.

Hardware developed by Microsoft and software from Aexa Aerospace provided the technology for holographic teleportation.

It involves a camera that creates a holographic image of an object or person. The user on the receiving end wears a device called hololens. Through these hololens, the user can see the subject.

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