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The purpose of the meeting of foreign ministers of Islamic countries is to solve the problems of Afghanistan

The Pakistani Foreign Minister thanked the prominent countries of the Islamic world, including the Islamic Republic of Iran, for announcing their readiness to participate in the next meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and said: The main goal of this meeting is a global consensus to help Afghanistan and overcome the humanitarian crisis.

According to Pak Sahafat news agency from official Pakistani sources, Shah Mahmood Qureshi said in a statement on Wednesday that Islamabad would host the foreign ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) member states until the next few days, with the sole purpose of examining developments in Afghanistan.

He said: We are determined to form a joint front to help Afghanistan and at the same time be aware of any consequences of the escalation of the crisis in this country and its consequences for our neighbors, the region and the world.

Qureshi thanked the prominent countries of the Islamic world, including Iran, Turkey and Malaysia for their readiness to participate in the upcoming Islamabad summit, and said: “We are seeking a global consensus to address the situation in Afghanistan.”

He said: The possibility of destroying Afghanistan’s livelihood and economic structure has intensified, and if it is not stopped, the entire region, especially its neighbors, will suffer severe consequences.

Read more: Transfer of $ 280 million from Afghanistan’s resources to UNICEF and the World Food Program: https://www.paksahafat.com/en/?p=16639

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister announced that the country has invited representatives of the permanent members of the UN Security Council, international organizations, including the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, to attend a meeting of foreign ministers of Islamic countries to discuss the sensitivity of Afghanistan and the world.

He warned: The consequences of the escalation of the situation in Afghanistan are on the neighbors of this country, especially the countries that are the largest hosts of Afghan refugees, so all important actors, including the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, emphasize on supporting Afghanistan and providing immediate assistance to its people.

The 17th Extraordinary Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the OIC member states with the agenda of Afghanistan is scheduled to be hosted by the Government of Pakistan on Saturday and Sunday, (December 18 and 19) in Islamabad.

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