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Monday, June 17, 2024

Rift deepens as Shujaat suspends Elahi’s party membership for hinting at PTI-PMLQ merger

LAHORE – The rift in PML-Q has now come out into the open as party president Chaudhry Shujaat Hussain has suspended the party membership of Punjab Chief Minister Parvez Elahi, over the latter’s statement about a possible merger of their party with PTI.

The strong reaction from the former premier comes days after Pervez Elahi, a close aide of Imran Khan, hinted at a PTI-Q merger, saying discussions were underway on a possible merger of two leading parties.

It was reported that the Shujaat issued the suspension earlier today after chairing a party meeting which was attended by his sons PML-Q Senior Vice President Chaudhry Salik, Chaudhry Shafay, and other leaders including Tariq Bashir Cheema.

Reports suggest that a show-cause notice was also issued to Elahi over his remarks for a possible merger with Imran Khan-led party.

In the show cause notice, Shujaat Hussain said any such step would be illegal and unconstitutional, adding that his party comprises character, vote bank, discipline, constitution, and rules, which were violated in recent statements.

Punjab CM Parvez Elahi hints at merger of PML-Q and PTI
It mentioned that Elahi holds no legal authority to unite PML-Q with any other party, telling him to join another party if he wants to stand with them. Failure to respond in a given time would attract action from the party leadership, the notice cited.

In the show cause notice, Shujaat Hussain said any such step would be illegal and unconstitutional, adding that his party comprises character, vote bank, discipline, constitution, and rules, which were violated in recent statements.

Punjab CM Parvez Elahi hints at merger of PML-Q and PTI
It mentioned that Elahi holds no legal authority to unite PML-Q with any other party, telling him to join another party if he wants to stand with them. Failure to respond in a given time would attract action from the party leadership, the notice cited.

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