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Monday, June 17, 2024

PM Imran Khan praises ‘near bankrupt CDA’ for economic turnaround

“Well done team CDA,” says PM Imran Khan .
“Our economic turnaround and success of our construction policy showing results in different sectors,” says PM Khan.
PM says “near bankrupt CDA” will close this financial year with a surplus of Rs73bn.

ISLAMABAD: PM Imran Khan on Friday lavished praise at the Capital Development Authority (CDA), saying that it had come a long way after nearly being bankrupt when the PTI-led government took over the reins of the country.

“Our economic turnaround & success of our construction policy showing results in diff sectors. Pak is changing,” said PM Khan in a tweet message.

The PM Imran Khan said that the CDA was nearly bankrupt and had posted a deficit of Rs5.8bn in 2017 had now recorded a surplus of Rs73bn and already has Rs26bn in its accounts.

The premier said it was time for the government to transform Islamabad into a model city, with priority on reform and restructure.

“Other mega cities can also become self-sustaining economic engines of growth through commitment, transparency & innovation,” he added.

PM Khan concluded the thread by posting a graph showing the CDA’s transformation over the years.

PM Imran Khan

ISLAMABAD: PM Imran Khan on Friday lavished praise at the Capital Development Authority (CDA), saying that it had come a long way after nearly being bankrupt when the PTI-led government took over the reins of the country.

“Our economic turnaround & success of our construction policy showing results in diff sectors. Pak is changing,” said PM Khan in a tweet message.

The PM Imran Khan said that the CDA was nearly bankrupt and had posted a deficit of Rs5.8bn in 2017 had now recorded a surplus of Rs73bn and already has Rs26bn in its accounts.

The premier said it was time for the government to transform Islamabad into a model city, with priority on reform and restructure.

“Other mega cities can also become self-sustaining economic engines of growth through commitment, transparency & innovation,” he added.

PM Khan concluded the thread by posting a graph showing the CDA’s transformation over the years.

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