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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Meeting of thinkers of Islamic countries in the region in Pakistan

Meeting of thinkers of Islamic countries in the region in Pakistan

A group of thinkers and political representatives of the Islamic countries of the region in a seminar in Pakistan discussed the role of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in solving the challenges facing the Muslim Ummah.

Representatives of Pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and several other OIC member states attended the event, which was organized by the Institute of Strategic Studies of Islamabad (ISSI) under the title “Organization of Islamic Cooperation Challenges and Opportunities Ahead”. They examined the performance of this international institution in the last five decades in person and online.

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said in a video message: “Pakistan has always strived to achieve the goals of the OIC, including unity and solidarity among member states, for this reason, while in December last year We hosted to help solve the problems of Afghanistan, and now we are trying to host the 48th meeting of this international organization next week.

He added: “Continuation of occupations in Muslim lands, increasing the phenomenon of Islamophobia, persecution of Muslim minorities in different countries along with the need for economic coordination between member countries to improve living conditions are among the topics to be discussed at the forthcoming meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in Pakistan.” Will host to activate this international institution as much as possible.

The Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Pakistan, Seyyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini, also spoke at the ceremony, stating that the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which was established primarily to resolve the Palestinian issue and protect the rights of Muslims, implicitly failed to achieve this goal. The great and honorable goal is to weaken and diminish the efficiency in the programs, approvals and executive actions of this organization, how can it be hoped that other issues and issues of the Islamic countries and the Islamic Ummah will be resolved by this organization.

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